Thanks for response,
the process that do VACCUM FULL was in hang but I see it after my mail
thanks for your interest
best regards
Alessandro Miracapillo
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Bill Moran []=20
Inviato: venerd=EC 13 giugno 2008 12.55
A: Miracapillo Alessandro
Oggetto: Re: [BUGS] Purge Oid
In response to "Miracapillo Alessandro" <>:
> Db_data FS is full because file oid are too large, how I can delete old
> OID file without to risk to damage oid relation database
Are you vacuuming on a regular basis? If not, you may need to vacuum
full to get things back under control. If it's really bad, you may
be better off doing a dump/restore as it may be considerably faster.
Are you sure your database hasn't legitimately grown too large for
your disks?
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
Phone: 412-422-3463x4023
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