What data ODBC data types does Applix Data think are blobs? I'm using PostgreSQL
via ODBC. I can turn all text/varchar to blobs with the TextAsLongVarchar=1 flag,
but what I want is for some text fields to be text, and some to be blobs. I.e.
text fields blobs and varchar fields not blobs, or the other way around.
I think this depends on which of the following SQL data types are interpreted
as blobs by Applix Data (from isqlext.h):
# define SQL_LONGVARCHAR (-1)
# define SQL_BINARY (-2)
# define SQL_VARBINARY (-3)
I realize this is mostly a PostgreSQL ODBC driver issue, and I am willing
to fix the driver, but I need to know which ODBC data types I need for
BLOB and NON-BLOB text.
-- cary
Cary O'Brien