Re: [HACKERS] Postgres 6.5 beta2 and beta3 problem - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Daniel Kalchev
Subject Re: [HACKERS] Postgres 6.5 beta2 and beta3 problem
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Responses Re: [HACKERS] Postgres 6.5 beta2 and beta3 problem
List pgsql-hackers
Further to my cyrillic charset (--enable-locale) introduced woes, I would like 
to add, that when recompiling Postgres 6.5 without --enable-locale now the 
query runs reasonably fast and explain gives:

Index Scan using w_k_words_i on words  (cost=1112.13 rows=1 width=12)

instead of 

Index Scan using w_k_words_i on words  (cost=3335.38 rows=1 width=12)

The problem as it seems is that the restrictions to use indexes when locale is 
enabled are not consistently applied - explain shows that indices will be 
used, and the behavior with indexes and without indexes is different (with 
indexes it's noticeably slower :-) so indexes are apparently being used...

Apparently (for my current tests at least) the Bulgarian cyrillic 
(windows-1251) is handled reasonably well without locale support - untill now 
~* didn't work anyway.

Daniel Kalchev

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