I have a problem running M$Access on a PostgreSQL database,
deleting rows from 'raw' Access, i.e. doing an open on a table
selecting a hole row and then deleting this row. The problem
arises when the table includes a float:
create table effektivitet
id serial ,
value float,
primary key (id)
create unique index ix_effekt_uniq on effektivitet (id);
Consider a row with the following values:
id | value
5 | 1.1666666666666666666....
Depending on how wide my float column is displayed, M$Access will
do something like: 'DELETE FROM effektivitet WHERE id = 5 AND
value = 1.6667;'. Of course there is no such row and M$Access
displays some (stupid) message like "Others have been changing ...."
and aborts the operation. This also goes for an update on such a
table. I can of course manually delete the row by doing a
'delete from effektivitet where id = 5;' either in the SQL creator
within Access or directly on the Linux box.
This also happens with following piece of VB code:
Set rstEffective = UT32_recordset("Select * From [Effektivitet] Where [Id] = '" & Employee & "' ;")
With rstEffective
!Value = rstEffective!Value + NewValue
End With
How can I make M$Acess use the unique index column for pointing
out this specific row in stead of generating a where clause containing
all fields in the table?
I am running PostgreSQL 6.4.2 on RedHat 5.0 and kernel 2.0.32. (I
downloaded and installed it just a few weeks ago. This goes for
psqlODBC as well).