I want to use large objets to store images in a database with the jdbc
interface. I have try to use PreparedStatement which has
setBinaryStream () but it's not possible with the old version I
usually use (6.4.2). I have download the 6.5b1 and unfortunately
setBinaryStream () is still not implemented.
I have tried to store the uuencoded image in a text field but they are
a strict limitation of 8190 byte for a field, which is too small.
I have tried to use LargeObjects, with no luck. The example.blobtest
fail. I have join the error message at the end of this mail (I use
postgresql 6.5b1 on a FreeBSD 3.0 computer)
example.ImageViewer sometime fail
Somebody can help ?
% Henri-Pierre.Charles@prism.uvsq.fr PRiSM, Université de Versailles
% Tel: 01 39 25 43 44 45, Av. des États Unis 78000 Versailles
% Il reste 58982399 secondes jusqu'au 01/01/2000
>java -Djdbc.driver=postgresql.Driver example.blobtest jdbc:postgresql:test anonymous ""
PostgreSQL blobtest v6.3 rev 1
Connecting to Database URL = jdbc:postgresql:test
Connected...Now creating a statement
Testing postgresql large object api
Gaining access to large object api
Test 1 Creating a large object
Creating a large object
Opening test source object
Copying file to large object
Block size=2048 offset=0
Block size=2048 offset=2048
Block size=2048 offset=4096
Block size=413 offset=6144
Closing object
Test 2 Reading a large object and save as a file
Opening large object 18785
Opening test destination object
Copying large object to file
Exception caught.
java.sql.SQLException: IOError while reading from backend: java.io.IOException: The backend has broken the connection.
Possiblythe action you have attempted has caused it to close.
java.sql.SQLException: IOError while reading from backend: java.io.IOException: The backend has broken the connection.
Possiblythe action you have attempted has caused it to close. at
postgresql.PG_Stream.ReceiveChar(PG_Stream.java:183) at postgresql.fastpath.Fastpath.fastpath(Fastpath.java:114)
at postgresql.fastpath.Fastpath.fastpath(Fastpath.java:188) at
postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject.seek(LargeObject.java:207) at
postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject.size(LargeObject.java:250) at example.blobtest.ownapi_test2(blobtest.java:144)
at example.blobtest.ownapi(blobtest.java:77) at example.blobtest.<init>(blobtest.java:50) at