> I found a dozen or so bogus tuples in several system tables (mostly
> pg_amop and pg_aggregate IIRC). They had OID entries that referred
> to OIDs that actually exist ... but are in the wrong table. For
> example some of the amopclaid fields had values that were OIDs of
> procs or types instead of opclass rows. I believe these are leftovers
> from some ancient time when those OIDs were being used for something
> else. (Most of the current assignments of those OIDs have to do with
> int8, so I know they are relatively new. Evidently no one ran an
> oidjoins check while the OIDs were unused...)
> All of the tuples in question were either unused or else referenced
> only by other bogus tuples, so I just deleted 'em. (I'm new to
> adding/removing entries in system tables; is there anything else that
> needs to be done besides editing include/catalog/pg_*.h?)
Great. Good job. No, I just edit the *.h files, and run initdb.
-- Bruce Momjian | http://www.op.net/~candle maillist@candle.pha.pa.us | (610)
853-3000+ If your life is a hard drive, | 830 Blythe Avenue + Christ can be your backup. | Drexel Hill,