I cant' find the way!
I'm building a system to a contest. I have three tables: participantes (partakers), ordenes (orders) and productos
(products).Partakers on the contest introduce their id in an HTML form, then this calls a PHP to query the database and
returndata taken from the three tables.
Using Microsoft Access, I get the SQL code for the query, then I copy it and paste it in my PHP code:
$result=pg_Exec($conn,"SELECT participantes.idven, participantes.nombreven, participantes.iding,
participantes.nombreing,participantes.empresa, ordenes.num_ordenuf, ordenes.factura_spasp, ordenes.factura_vad,
ordenes.fecha,ordenes.num_producto, productos.descripcion, ordenes.mayorista, productos.puntos, ordenes.cantidad,
[puntos]*[cantidad]AS Total FROM productos INNER JOIN (participantes INNER JOIN ordenes ON idven = participante) ON
idproducto= num_producto WHERE (((idven)="VHA1901081"))");
But Postgress don't accept the . operator, so it drops to me those nasty 'parse' error messages. I don't know if it's
onlydue to the . operator, or the use of upper case or what. How must I build the SQL query to be accepted by Postgress
andPHP? I'm drowning on it!
ICQ# 17246887