>Jan Wieck wrote:
>> PL/Tcl and PL/pgSQL are the only two languages available,
>> because noone else than me did anything in that corner up to
>> now. You're welcome :-).
>Yeap! Easy to say! Hard to do!
>I'm not a "core" programmer. I am rather new to Java (only 2 weeks), and
>I don't know anything about inside PostgreSQL structures.
>We would need someone with much more expertise in "C", "C++", Java and
>PostgreSQL than me.
I've been interested in this topic too. My idea is having JVM as a
separate process from the backend. Maybe JServ(Apache's servlet
extension package) is a good starting point. Also it would be nice if
the backend could use some functionalities of Java, such as encoding
I am by no means a Java guru, thus this would be a great challenge for
Tatsuo Ishii