Kristofer Peterson makes an excellent point.
There seem to be three issues for linux...
Does the system have ELF capability? (ld -V or cpp -dM will tell you)
Is this intended to be an elf build? (could be compiled for a.out)
Does the builder want shared (or static, for that matter) libraries?
automake and libtool are intended to solve such problems, but
they present a license conflict. Or do they, if the tools aren't
included with the public distribution?
:}I realize that this post is long, so I'll sum it up. My original post
:}was not meant as a request for help, I have gotten used to kludging the
:}Makefiles for 6.2.1, 6.3.0, 6.3.1, and now 6.3.2. I want to help clean
:}up the Makefiles/configure so linux users don't have to kludge the
:}Makefiles to get shared library versions of libpgtcl, libpq, libpq++,
:}and libecpg. I just want to offer a perspective on the building process
:}from outside point of view.