Thank you Byron and David for your answers (and Marc for redirecting
my message to pqsql-interfaces).
Here a few more details on my problem.
> 1. I am not as familiar with Access 2.0. But the 7.0 and 97 versions
> require a unique key to be specified at link time for an update to be
> allowed. I want to be sure that you have done that, and that you not
> referring to the "create unique index" statement which creates the index
> in the database table on the server.
Access 2.0 should automatically use a unique index on the database
server if it's present. Below the statements I've used to create,
populate and test the table.
create table test3(i1 int4,i2 int4, i3 int4);
create unique index i_test3_i1 on test3(i1);
insert into test3 values(1,2,3);
insert into test3 values(2,3,4);
insert into test3 values(3,4,5);
Database = vorwahl
| Owner | Relation | Type |
| postgres | i_test3_i1 | index |
| postgres | test3 | table |
\d i_test3_i1
Table = i_test3_i1
| ld | Type | Length|
| i1 | int4 | 4 |
select * from test3;
1| 2| 3
2| 3| 4
3| 4| 5
(3 rows)
insert into test3 values(3,3,3);
ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into a unique index
After linking the table above to an Access 2.0 database I can see the index,
but Access thinks it's not unique.
> 2. There is a read-only check box on the data source setup dialog. This was
> put in to prevent unintentional key strokes from getting into the database.
> This is remarkably easy to do in MS Access. Just unchecked the box for your
> data source.
The read-only checkbox on the data source dialog is unchecked.
It can't be an authentication problem because if I create a local index
for the linked table I can add/delete rows.
Olaf Mittelstaedt - IuK -
Fachhochschule Ulm Prittwitzstr. 10 89075 Ulm
Tel.: +49 (0)731-502-8220 Fax: -8270
Tertium non datur.