It seems tcl/tk uses directory names with version numbers, and I have
no intention of searching for every version they have ever released.
I agree that it seems like a pain to do so (and perhaps that argues
against the way tcl/tk is installed by the packaging systems), but
given that some common packaging systems do it that way, it seems like
we should handle the situation nicely.
Would it be possible to simply generate a list of directories to
search from a regular expression (e.g., tcl[0-9.]*), reverse sort them
so the later ones come first, then check for the right header file?
If too old a version was found we could flag it with a warning from
That might be a win over a fixed list, because we wouldn't have to
maintain the list, which I think was your objection (which I sort of
agree with, too, from the point of view of a maintainer).