PC> Hello,
PC> I would like to retrieve all the records from table A which have given
PC> lang_id and its modification date is later then modification date of
PC> the same id record with lang_id='pl'.
PC> Example:
PC> table A - data example
PC> ======================
PC> id | modification_date | lang_id
PC> --------+---------------------+------
PC> abc | 2002-10-11 10:12:11 | en
PC> abc | 2002-11-12 11:12:11 | pl
PC> abc | 2002-11-11 18:12:00 | de
PC> sample | 2003-04-15 22:43:14 | pl
PC> sample | 2003-05-16 11:10:15 | en
PC> sample | 2003-11-11 18:11:10 | de
select * from a where lang_id='en' and modification_date>(select
modification_date from a as a_alias where a_alias.id=a.id and
Try this!