I believe running count(*) means fulltable scan, and there's no way
to do it without it. But what about some "intermediate" table, with
the necessary counts?
That means to create a table with values (counts) you need, and on
every insert/delete/update increment or decrement the appropriate
values. This way you won't need the count(*) query anymore, and the
performance should be much better.
> Salve.
> I understand from various web searches and so on that PostgreSQL's MVCC
> mechanism makes it very hard to use indices or table metadata to optimise
> count(*). Is there a better way to guess the "approximate size" of a table?
> I'm trying to write a trigger that fires on insert and performs some
> maintenance (collapsing overlapping boxes into a single large box,
> specifically) as the table grows. My initial attempt involved count(*) and,
> as the number of pages in the table grew, that trigger bogged down the
> database.
> Any thoughts?