Tom Lane <> writes:
> inner <> writes:
>> When i am trying to insert bytea with size of escape-coded data less than 16785346 bytes it works fine. But for more
than16785346 bytes it causes an
>> error with dropping connection.
> You'll need to provide more details of what you're doing, what error
> message you get, etc.
I have an example table:
'CREATE TABLE "public"."tcad" (
"pk" SERIAL,
"gtype" VARCHAR(50),
"geom" BYTEA,
CONSTRAINT "tcad_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("pk")
I am using PostgresDAC 2.3.1 for direct access to Postgres through CBuilder6.
1. creating stream of char 'a', which size is 16785347.
2. loading bytea parameter from stream into PGSQLQuery, where stored SQL query: 'insert into tcad (gtype,geom) values
3. in parameter Size storing string: '16785347 b'.
4. when i try to execute query, i am getting error: 'Software caused connection abort (0x00002745/10053)'.
For stream size of 16785346 it works fine.
It looks like sql query size limit, isn't it?