"Amit Padgaonkar" <amit@nsat.co.jp> writes:
> I am using tcl8.3 / tk8.3 and postgreSQL 7.3 . I am not able to
> load pgtclsh library into to my TK application for giving it backend
> support.
pgtclsh is not a library, it is a prebuilt tclsh application with the
libpgtcl library already loaded into it. You can load the libpgtcl
library into your own application with the usual Tcl "load" command.
pgaccess does it like so:
if {[info exists env(PGLIB)]} { set libpgtclpath [file join $env(PGLIB) libpgtcl]} else { set libpgtclpath
{libpgtcl}}load${libpgtclpath}[info sharedlibextension]
regards, tom lane