On 2025-03-02 Su 8:32 PM, Thomas Munro wrote:
> Hi,
> https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commit;h=b3f0be788
> introduced a new oauth feature that uses libcurl and has tests. You
> may want to consider installing libcurl and putting "oauth" into
> PG_TEST_EXTRA for coverage. The systems that can use the new feature
> are:
> * those with timerfd and epoll: Linux and probably illumos
> * those with kqueue: macOS and *BSD
You will also need to enable building with libcurl or none of that will
matter. That means adding "--with-libcurl" to the config_opts if you're
using configure/make, or "-Dlibcurl=enabled" to the meson_opts if you're
using meson.
Since this is branch-specific, you need to do it something like this at
the bottom of your config file:
if ($branch eq 'HEAD' || $branch ge 'REL_18')
push @{$conf{config_opts}}, '--with-libcurl';
push @{$conf{meson_opts}}, '-Dlibcurl=enabled';
Andrew Dunstan
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com