BUG #18754: Logical replication cannot restart if client sent a copyDone - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From PG Bug reporting form
Subject BUG #18754: Logical replication cannot restart if client sent a copyDone
Msg-id 18754-e49e7bda4eb683d9@postgresql.org
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Responses Re: BUG #18754: Logical replication cannot restart if client sent a copyDone
List pgsql-bugs
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18754
Logged by:          S.A.N
Email address:      ua.san.alex@gmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 17.2
Operating system:   MacOS

Logical replication cannot restart if the client sent a copyDone, because
the streamingDoneReceiving variable is not reassigned to false in function
StartLogicalReplication, this only happens when physical replication in
function StartReplication

I am writing a logical replication client, sometimes I need to exit copy
mode to send simple SQL queries.

I send copyDone, everything works correctly, I can perform SQL queries, but
then I need to return to replication mode, the START_REPLICATION command
will always completed immediately, because the streamingDoneReceiving
backend variable remains in true, I think it should be redefined in false
when starting logical replication.


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