How can I interpret a variable in psql, when the variable has to be quoted?
for example:
\set myVar myValue
\echo :myVar
The Result ist then "myValue" ==> ok
But: in my case the variable-values have to be in quotes:
\set db_username myUsername
\set db_password myPassword
CREATE USER :db_username WITH PASSWORD :db_password
==> This will not work, because you need quotes
CREATE USER :db_username WITH PASSWORD ':db_password'
==> This will create the user with Password :db_password and not myPassword
(so it takes the name of the varibale and not den value)
I played a bit with excaping, but even '\'':db_password'\'' will not work
What can I do, in order to achieve, that psql interprets a variable in
Another Problem:
How can I concatenate a variable with a string without having a space in
\set foo bar
\echo :foo test
==> bar test (but there is a space in between)
\echo :foo||test
==> this does not work (I want bartest)
Is it somehow possible to do this?
Thanks for your help!
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