BUG #18549: Support ipv6 link-local addresses in the inet type - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From PG Bug reporting form
Subject BUG #18549: Support ipv6 link-local addresses in the inet type
Msg-id 18549-adf203ad53c1dae3@postgresql.org
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Responses Re: BUG #18549: Support ipv6 link-local addresses in the inet type
List pgsql-bugs
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18549
Logged by:          Johannes Ernst
Email address:      git@j12t.org
PostgreSQL version: 16.1
Operating system:   All

One of the variations of ipv6 addresses is link-local addresses. It would be
nice if they could be stored in an inet column.

Example: fe80::249a:57ff:fed6:695f%host0/128 . Note the %host0

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