On Mon, 2020-11-30 at 10:54 -0600, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> This makes toast tables a bit less special and easier to inspect.
> postgres=# \dtS+ pg_toast.pg_toast_2619
> pg_toast | pg_toast_2619 | toast table | pryzbyj | permanent | heap | 56 kB |
> This follows commit from last year:
> | eb5472da9 make \d pg_toast.foo show its indices ; and, \d toast show its main table
This would indeed be convenient.
The patch passes regression tests.
While playing around with it, I found the following oddity:
regression=# \dtS+ pg_toast.pg_toast_30701
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access Method | Size | Description
pg_toast | pg_toast_30701 | toast table | laurenz | permanent | heap | 0 bytes |
(1 row)
regression=# \dtS pg_toast.pg_toast_30701
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
pg_toast | pg_toast_30701 | toast table | laurenz
(1 row)
regression=# \dt pg_toast.pg_toast_30701
Did not find any relation named "pg_toast.pg_toast_30701".
Now this doesn't seem right. To my understanding, \dtS should do the same as \dt,
except that it should also search in "pg_catalog" if no schema was provided.
Another thing that is missing is tab completion for
regression=# \dtS pg_toast.pg_
This should work just like for \d and \dS.
Both of these effects can also be observed with \di and toast indexes.
Laurenz Albe