On 1 wrz 2013, at 03:31, Craig James <cjames@emolecules.com> wrote:
> If your applications are read-heavy and only have a small-ish amount of code that inserts/updates the table, it may
notbe that much of a rewrite. You can create a integer/varchar table of key/values, use its key to replace the current
varcharcolumn, rename the original table, and create a view with the original table's name. Code that only reads the
datawon't know the difference. And it's a portable solution.
> I did this and it worked out well. If the key/value pairs table is relatively small, the planner does an excellent
jobof generating efficient queries against the big table.
> Craig
Actually this (event) table is write heavy. But the concept is really cool and worth trying. Thanks.