BUG #17188: Multiple rows are present with same values on a unique column - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From PG Bug reporting form
Subject BUG #17188: Multiple rows are present with same values on a unique column
Msg-id 17188-93034073366358b6@postgresql.org
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: BUG #17188: Multiple rows are present with same values on a unique column
List pgsql-bugs
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      17188
Logged by:          DBA TEAM
Email address:      devops@getfareye.com
PostgreSQL version: 9.6.22
Operating system:   Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

We are having a table Users in which multiple columns named emp_code and
company_id have a unique constraint applied to them.But for multiple rows
there are values which are equal for both of the columns.

Users table definition
                                         Table "public.users"
           Column            |            Type             | Collation |
Nullable |              Default              | Storage  | Stats target |

 id                          | integer                     |           | not
null | nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
 login                       | character varying(50)       |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 password                    | character varying(100)      |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 first_name                  | character varying(50)       |           |
     | NULL::character varying           | extended |              |
 last_name                   | character varying(50)       |           |
     | NULL::character varying           | extended |              |
 email                       | text                        |           |
     | NULL::character varying           | extended |              |
 activated                   | boolean                     |           |
     | false                             | plain    |              |
 lang_key                    | character varying(5)        |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 activation_key              | character varying(20)       |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 created_by                  | character varying(50)       |           | not
null | 'system'::character varying       | extended |              |
 created_date                | timestamp without time zone |           | not
null | now()                             | plain    |              |
 last_modified_by            | character varying(50)       |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 last_modified_date          | timestamp without time zone |           |
     |                                   | plain    |              |
 emp_code                    | character varying(64)       |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 mobile                      | character varying(16)       |           |
     | NULL::character varying           | extended |              |
 company_id                  | bigint                      |           |
     | 1                                 | plain    |              |
 user_type_id                | bigint                      |           |
     | 1                                 | plain    |              |
 salt                        | character varying(255)      |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 city_id                     | bigint                      |           |
     |                                   | plain    |              |
 hub_id                      | bigint                      |           |
     |                                   | plain    |              |
 last_login_time             | timestamp without time zone |           |
     |                                   | plain    |              |
 merchants                   | character varying(255)      |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 is_auto_push_mail_activated | boolean                     |           |
     | false                             | plain    |              |
 wrong_attempts              | integer                     |           |
     | 0                                 | plain    |              |
 locked                      | boolean                     |           |
     | false                             | plain    |              |
 locked_date_time            | timestamp without time zone |           |
     |                                   | plain    |              |
 is_logged_in                | boolean                     |           |
     | false                             | plain    |              |
 service_provider_code       | character varying(64)       |           |
     | NULL::character varying           | extended |              |
 profile_image               | character varying(256)      |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 icdr                        | boolean                     |           |
     | false                             | plain    |              |
 routing_json                | text                        |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
 auth_user_id                | integer                     |           |
     |                                   | plain    |              |
 user_id                     | character varying(255)      |           |
     |                                   | extended |              |
    "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "users_company_id_emp_code_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (company_id,
    "users_company_id_user_type_id_city_id_hub_id_activation_key_cre" btree
(company_id, user_type_id, city_id, hub_id, activation_key, created_date,
    "users_login_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (login)

Here  is the sample data
 select id,company_id,emp_code from users where

  id  | company_id |    emp_code     
 5065 |          8 | 4742_bpl-14_bpl
 1594 |          8 | 4742_bpl-14_bpl

pgsql-bugs by date:

From: PG Bug reporting form
Subject: BUG #17187: Incorrect field update operation?
From: Ashish Kumar
Subject: Re: BUG #17188: Multiple rows are present with same values on a unique column