I have a file called file.txt that is 53604 bytes. When I do the following
\set stext `cat file.txt`
select length(:'stext'); length
-------- 53603
it seems that one byte (the last newline character) is chomped off. How can I import a text file into a variable and
insertit into a bytea column without losing the last newline byte.
What I want to do is something like this:
\set stext `cat file.txt`
insert into stored_files (file_name,file_text) values ('file',:'stext');
without losing a character within the variable stext.
In table stored_files, file_name is text and file_text is bytea.
I'm using psql 9.3.10 on Ubuntu 14 Linux (32 bit.)
I cannot use pg_read_file because that is for the server side, and I'm on the client side.
There should be an easy way to get a text file into a database column.
Thank you,
Arthur Lewis