The following bug has been logged on the website:
Bug reference: 16547
Logged by: yusuke egashira
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 11.8
Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.10
I created the procedure with INOUT parameter as :
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE inout_proc(a in int, b inout int)
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
b = a + b;
If I called it in ECPG by "EXEC SQL CALL inout_proc(1,2);", "SQL error: too
few arguments on line xx" is caused.
On the other hand, if the procedure don't have INOUT parameter (IN only),
"EXEC SQL CALL inout_proc(1,2);" statement succeeded.
This error seems to occur because ECPG doesn't expect the value to be
returned by CALL statement.
Is this a bug?
Or, is the current version limited to calling procedures with INOUT
parameters from ECPG?
I found this behavior in PostgreSQL 11.8 and 12.3.
Also, I found the patch[1] introducing "INTO" clause in CALL of ECPG.
However, the patch changes the EXC SQL CALL statement to always require INTO