temBoard 7.11 : performance and reliability - Mailing list pgsql-announce

From Dalibo via PostgreSQL Announce
Subject temBoard 7.11 : performance and reliability
Msg-id 165399596375.573547.6709524962800394823@wrigleys.postgresql.org
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temBoard 7.11 : performance and reliability

Hello everyone,

A new maintainance version of temBoard 7 has landed. This 7.11 release improves reliability and performances.

temBoard is a monitoring and administration tool for PostgreSQL instances fleet. Its non-intrusive design eases deployment without weakening your PostgreSQL instance. temBoard alerts you, allows you to handle locks, bloat, configuration and more - remotely.


temBoard 7.10 introduced a regression breaking monitoring probe for replication lag. An old error prevented temBoard from purging statements data. temBoard 7.11 fixes both errors.


temBoard 7.11 now schedules the collect of monitoring data by batch. This improves a lot system performances on temBoard machine for big fleet.

Better Docker Images

temBoard 7 has its own docker images label dalibo/temboard:7 and dalibo/temboard-agent:7. Multi-stage build has reduced the size of final image. dalibo/temboard:7 is now running on top of python:3.7 instead of 2.7.

And More...

For better reliability, temboard-agent-register command now checks agent using agent key. This prevent confusion between several installation of temBoard agent on the same machine.


Follow installation documentation to get temBoard from RPM, deb or sources.

What comes next ?

Development of next major release of temBoard has started. This is a big work of modernizations, improvements in security, stability, performances and features for temBoard while keeping simplicity and compatibility. Stability and performances of version 7.11 give us the serenity to work on this big release awaited for 2022. In the meantime, enjoy 7.11!

temBoard is a free software maintained by Dalibo Labs.


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