The Hermit Hacker <> writes:
> and the following being pumped out of hte backend (have debug mode's
> StartTransactionCommand^M
> query: BEGIN WORK^M
> ProcessUtility: BEGIN WORK^M
> CommitTransactionCommand^M
> StartTransactionCommand^M
> query: INSERT INTO dict (url_id,word,intag) VALUES(810,'date',3)^M
> ProcessQuery^M
> CommitTransactionCommand^M
> StartTransactionCommand^M
> If they issue a 'BEGIN WORK', shouldn't it eliminate all the
> '{Commit,Start}TransactionCommand's?
No. Those routines are still called, they just behave differently.
You're not the first one to be confused by those debug messages, IIRC.
It would probably make sense to rip those TPRINTFs out of postgres.c,
which only knows that it's calling those 2 routines, and put TPRINTFs
into the routines themselves (in xact.c) that show what state transition
is actually being taken...
regards, tom lane