Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> The issue is the issue:
> test=> drop table test;
> test=> create table test(x int);
> test=> insert into test values (3);
> INSERT 72169 1
> test=> select * from test where test in (select x from test);
> NOTICE: unknown node tag 704 in fireRIRonSubselect()
> NOTICE: Node is: { IDENT "test" }
> ERROR: ExecEvalExpr: unknown expression type 704
Hmm. Doesn't happen if one does
select * from test where x in (select x from test);
Is there any rational interpretation to the first query? test is not an
available column name, so I don't know what it is supposed to mean.
I'm having a hard time seeing this as a showstopper bug... at best it's
an error that needs to be caught somewhere where a better error message
can be given...
regards, tom lane