"Russ Brown" <postgres@dot4dot.plus.com> writes:
> A little more information that I've realised I didn't supply. The server
> (well, it's a desktop machine really) is running on Gentoo Linux, 2.6.7
> kernel. There are no problems with PHP accessing the database (from the
> same machine), and psql doesn't have a problem with either having SQL
> files directed at it or running individual commands via the -c option. It
> seems to be just when trying to get an interactive prompt. I've tried
> recompiling readline but that didn't fix it (my recompile of glic appears
> to have not succeeded too). Each of those recompiles was followed by a
> recompile of PostgreSQL. I've run ldconfig and also revdep-rebuild, with
> no effect.
Gentoo? Have you perhaps updated any library sources recently? If it's
an actual recently-introduced bug then no amount of recompiling is going
to make it go away.
The interactive-only aspect does seem to point the finger at readline,
but I wouldn't swear to that. You might try recompiling --without-readline
just to see.
Another approach is to make a debug build and then use gdb to get an
idea of where it's looping.
regards, tom lane