I am new with postgres and would like to know how to connect to the postgres
db in Linux using pgadmin in Window.
I created postgresdb in Linux and try to connect into the db using
pgadmin4.16 in my window workstation.
I create Server and put the hostname/address. I get an error:
"Unable to connect to server:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "192.168.#.#", user "postgres",
database "dbname", SSL off
not even with database name as postgres.
Do I need to put my window's ip on pg_hba.conf in Linux? How? In
pg_hba.conf should I add entry:
host all postgres trust
What's happen if the other developers want to connect to the database using
pgadmin, do I need to add their windows' IP in? Is there a way we can use
like sqldeveloper without add all windows' IP?
thank you.
Sent from: https://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-admin-f2076596.html