I noticed I wasn't able to apply my usual pg_dump schema output without errors anymore after I dropped some roles. After some digging, I found it has to do with Postgres not correctly updating the pg_init_privs table upon dropping roles. I can reproduce a similar scenario with the following steps (output from v13devel, but AFAIK all versions affected, I ran into the issue on v11.2):
postgres=# create role test;
postgres=# alter default privileges in schema public grant all privileges on tables to test;
postgres=# create extension pg_stat_statements;
postgres=# select * from pg_catalog.pg_init_privs
where objoid=(select 'pg_stat_statements'::regclass);
objoid | classoid | objsubid | privtype | initprivs
16409 | 1259 | 0 | e | {florisvannee=arwdDxt/florisvannee,test=arwdDxt/florisvannee,=r/florisvannee}
(1 row)
postgres=# drop owned by test;
postgres=# drop role test;
postgres=# select * from pg_catalog.pg_init_privs
where objoid=(select 'pg_stat_statements'::regclass);
objoid | classoid | objsubid | privtype | initprivs
16409 | 1259 | 0 | e | {florisvannee=arwdDxt/florisvannee,16404=arwdDxt/florisvannee,=r/florisvannee}
(1 row)
If we do a pg_dump on this, there'll be a line like this in the output:
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE public.pg_stat_statements FROM "16404";
This fails when restoring, because there's no role '16404'.
Can I manually fix this by updating pg_init_privs catalog table? Eg. in the example, I could run something like?
update pg_catalog.pg_init_privs
set initprivs=(select array_agg(p) from unnest(initprivs) p where not (p::text like '16404%'))
where initprivs <> (select array_agg(p) from unnest(initprivs) p where not (p::text like '16404%'))
Dropping/recreating the extension seems to work too, but I'd like to avoid that if possible (that may be a solution for pg_stat_statements, but isn't necessarily possible for every extension).
I'm pretty sure I once ran into a similar issue before, when doing a pg_upgrade in-place from 10 to 11. I couldn't run pg_upgrade until - back then I fixed it by dropping/recreating the extension, but didn't know exactly what was causing it, so I didn't report it here. From glancing at the code, this seems to be following some similar code paths in dump/restore. Just so you know the impact may not be limited to manual pg_dump actions, but also potentially pg_upgrade if my memory is correct.