I wrote:
> This is correct AFAICS, and it's slightly cheaper, so an optimistic
> conclusion would be that we're making a cost-based decision to use a plan
> shape that the old code could not find for some reason. But these costs
> are pretty close, within the "fuzz factor", so this might be a random
> effect. It might be interesting to see if inserting unequal amounts
> of data in the tables would drive the costs further apart, allowing
> us to say that this code really does beat v15 in terms of planning
> flexibility.
Hah, indeed so:
CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT true AS x FROM generate_series(0,1) x;
CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT true AS x FROM generate_series(0,1) x;
CREATE TABLE t3 AS SELECT true AS x FROM generate_series(0,1) x;
CREATE TABLE t4 AS SELECT true AS x FROM generate_series(0,1000) x;
ANALYZE t1,t2,t3,t4;
select * from t1
left join t2 on true
left join t3 on t2.x
left join t4 on t3.x;
v15 (and HEAD) find a plan of cost 180, this patch finds one
of cost 120. This test case is pretty artificial of course;
can we come up with a more plausible query that we win on?
regards, tom lane