Tommy Pavlicek <> writes:
> I've added a single patch here:
> It wasn't obvious whether I should create a second commitfest entry
> because I've included 2 patches so I've just done 1 to begin with. On
> that note, is it preferred here to split patches of this size into
> separate patches, and if so, additionally, separate threads?
No, our commitfest infrastructure is unable to deal with patches that have
interdependencies unless they're presented in a single email. So just use
one thread, and be sure to attach all the patches each time.
(BTW, while you seem to have gotten away with it so far, it's usually
advisable to name the patch files like 0001-foo.patch, 0002-bar.patch,
etc, to make sure the cfbot understands what order to apply them in.)
regards, tom lane