BUG #15296: Not able to get query result"information_schema.constraint_column_usage" - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From PG Bug reporting form
Subject BUG #15296: Not able to get query result"information_schema.constraint_column_usage"
Msg-id 153260079181.1396.3862360052638574921@wrigleys.postgresql.org
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List pgsql-bugs
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      15296
Logged by:          sunil singh
Email address:      linktosunilsingh@gmail.com
PostgreSQL version: 10.4
Operating system:   windows 10 64 Bit

I have database name XXX_product and schema name as XXX_product and there is
a table "table_name" in schema XXX_product.The user I defined for
XXX_product and XXX_schema is user_postgres. 
Below query giving me the 0 rows.
"select tc.table_name AS TABLE_NAME, kcu.column_name AS
COLUMN_NAME,ccu.table_name AS REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,ccu.column_name AS
REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc JOIN
information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu ON tc.constraint_name =
kcu.constraint_name AND tc.table_schema = kcu.table_schema JOIN
information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu ON ccu.constraint_name =
tc.constraint_name AND ccu.table_schema = tc.table_schema WHERE
constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_name='table_name' "

But when I am not using "JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS
ccu ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name AND ccu.table_schema =
tc.table_schema" in the query I am getting the result.

pgsql-bugs by date:

From: Victor Yegorov
Subject: Re: BUG #15290: Stuck Parallel Index Scan query
From: PG Bug reporting form
Subject: BUG #15297: Irregular comparison rules for NULLs in tuples