The following bug has been logged on the website:
Bug reference: 15143
Logged by: David
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.6.6
Operating system: Mac / DBeaver
```SELECT *,
(P2.received_at - LAG(P2.received_at)) OVER (PARTITION BY anonymous_id ORDER
BY P2.received_at DESC) AS time_diff
--((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (P2.received_at - LEAD(P2.received_at)))/60)) OVER
(PARTITION BY P2.anonymous_id ORDER BY P2.received_at DESC) AS
FROM javascript.pages P2```
For the second line, I have to remove the parentheses around (P2.received_at
- LAG(P2.received_at)) for it to run. Which doesn't make sense. And more
importantly, I can't seem to get the 3rd line (currently commented out) to
run because of this issue of Postgres seeming to not allow parentheses
before the OVER