Re: Help in vetting my steps for Postgres DB upgrade from Ver 13.X to ver 15.X - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Bharani SV-forum
Subject Re: Help in vetting my steps for Postgres DB upgrade from Ver 13.X to ver 15.X
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In response to Re: Help in vetting my steps for Postgres DB upgrade from Ver 13.X to ver 15.X  (Greg Sabino Mullane <>)
List pgsql-general

I followed Greg suggested steps .
One of big had only one table and around four million records
i am doing dev env restoration into new vm
the target VM env is an POC server and took 3 hrs to restore four million records.
Now it is doing process of lo_open / lo_close /  lowrite  etc
i.e pg-dump-creates-a-lot-of-pg-catalog-statements

is there any alternate way , to speedup  this process.

i can see in the select count(*) record count is matching (target and source)


On Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 10:47:26 AM EST, Greg Sabino Mullane <> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 7:42 AM Bharani SV-forum <> wrote:
a) is the above said steps is correct with the given existing and proposed setup

No. Here are some steps:

* Install Postgres on the new VM
However you get it, use the newest version you can. As of this writing, it is Postgres 17.2. Version 15 is okay, but going to 17 now means a better Postgres today, and no worrying about replacing v15 in three years.

* Create a new Postgres cluster
On the new VM, use the initdb command to create a new data directory.
Use the --data-checksums option

* Start it up
Adjust your postgresql.conf as needed
Adjust your pg_hba.conf as needed
Install any extensions used on the old VM
Start the cluster using the pg_ctl command (or systemctl)

* Test connection to the old vm from the new vm
On the new vm, see if you can connect to the old one:
psql -h oldvm -p 5432 --list
You may need to adjust firewalls and pg_hba.conf on the old vm.

* Copy the data
Run this on the new VM, adjusting ports as needed:
time pg_dumpall -h oldvm -p 5432 | psql -p 5432

Bonus points for doing this via screen/tmux to prevent interruptions

* Generate new statistics and vacuum
On the new vm, run:
psql -c 'vacuum freeze'
psql -c 'analyze'

* Test your application

* Setup all the other stuff (systemd integration, logrotate, cronjobs, etc.) as needed

As Peter mentioned earlier, this can be done without disrupting anything, and is easy to test and debug. The exact steps may vary a little, as I'm not familiar with how Amazon Linux packages Postgres, but the basics are the same.

Take it slow. Go through each of these steps one by one. If you get stuck or run into an issue, stop and solve it, reaching out to this list as necessary.


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