Who maintains the faq-nt? It is rather out of date now.
Cygwin V1.1 has most things needed. [I've just built under B20.]
Specifically, GCC (formerly EGCS) and libcrypt are up to date in
there. I did not identify anything that was required from the Andy
Piper Tools.
The cygipc library is now at version 1.07 and is hosted at
<http://cygutils.netpedia.net/V1.1/cygipc/>. The patch in faq-nt
has been incorporated, so it can be deleted from the FAQ.
Pete Forman -./\.- Disclaimer: This post is originated
Western Geophysical -./\.- by myself and does not represent
pete.forman@westgeo.com -./\.- the opinion of Baker Hughes or
http://www.crosswinds.net/~petef -./\.- its divisions.