LMdlCqL> Hi, just to report a strange behaviour in PostgreSQL v6.3.2, Linux
LMdlCqL> 2.0.34.
LMdlCqL> I do this:
hjk=>> alter table control_veh add column fecalta date;
LMdlCqL> then that:
hjk=>> update control_veh set fecalta='01-01-1800' where plact='440JAS';
LMdlCqL> ERROR: Relation control_veh does not have attribute fecalta
LMdlCqL> later this:
hjk=>> \d control_veh
LMdlCqL> Table = control_veh
LMdlCqL> +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+
LMdlCqL> | Field | Type | Length|
LMdlCqL> +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+
LMdlCqL> | paterno | char() | 25 |
LMdlCqL> ...many fields...
LMdlCqL> | ultpago | char() | 2 |
LMdlCqL> | fecalta | date | 4 |
LMdlCqL> +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+-------+
LMdlCqL> this again:
hjk=>> update control_veh set fecalta='01-01-1800' where plact='440JAS';
LMdlCqL> ERROR: Relation control_veh does not have attribute fecalta
LMdlCqL> desperate this:
hjk=>> vacuum control_veh;
hjk=>> alter table control_veh add column fecalta date;
LMdlCqL> ERROR: PerformAddAttribute: attribute "fecalta" already exists in class "control_veh"
LMdlCqL> then again:
hjk=>> update control_veh set fecalta='01-01-1800' where plact='440JAS';
hjk=>> select * from control_veh where plact='440JAS';
LMdlCqL> and voilà, it's complete. Isn't it strange?
This is an pgsql's old bug already reported by me.
The problem is that you can't reproduce this behavior all the time.
I have this bug also, but it appears only sometimes. It isn't danger
only disquieting. ;-)
Buena suerte!