<courtesy copy emailed to wieck@debis.com>
>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Wieck <wieck@debis.com> writes:
>> Hello - After reading the documentation several times, and
>> looking at the archives, I'm very confused. The PL/pgSQL
>> documentation states that :
Jan> Looks like you're confused.
Yup, I was.
>> FOR lgid IN select gid from groups_acl where login = NEW.login LOOP
>> ...<do stuff with lgid>...
Jan> Here you have the syntax right, but I assume "lgid" isn't
Jan> a record or row type variable.
Actually, it wasn't, that's where I was confused. I had thought that
since I knew the datatype I was selecting, declaring a variable of
that type was sufficient. Apparently it's not ;)
Jan> This time you messed up the syntax. Write it as
Jan> FOR rec IN select * from groups_acl where login =
Jan> NEW.login LOOP ... END LOOP;
What I wanted was to be pedantic about the datatype I was selecting
(for no particular reason, I guess), but now I understand that I've
got to have something of the general type record.
Of course, as always happens, right after I mailed to the list, I
figured it out myself.
Justin Banks - WAM!NET Inc., Eagan MN justinb@wamnet.com
I'd fix it for you, but I don't want to break into your site.