"Oliveiros Cristina" <oliveiros.cristina@marktest.pt> writes:
> I need to allow access to the postgres server(windows) from a remote
> machine (
> I changed the postgresql.conf to include the line :
> listen_addresses = 'localhost,' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
This is incorrect. listen_addresses must specify the interface
addresses of your *own* machine, not some other one. Usually if you
want to allow remote connections, you should just set it to '*' and let
the postmaster figure out what the machine's IP address(es) are.
> And I changed the pg_hba.conf file (also on data dir) so now it has a line like this
> host all all md5
This part's OK.
You might also have a third problem: if the machine has any sort of
firewall software, the firewall might need to be adjusted to let in
remote connections to port 5432.
regards, tom lane