I use postgresql-10.4-1-linux-x64.run to install.
Would you tell me how to recompile the database.
Thank you.
At 2018-08-25 11:19:10, "Amit Kapila" <amit.kapila16@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 11:35 AM jimmy <mpokky@126.com> wrote:
>> I create two normal postgresql tables, and import datas from two foreign tables.
>> Then I use four normal postgresql tables to query data, and it still throw these errors, after that I am afraid that it maybe is not connection with oracle fdw.
>So, can we assume that there is no fdw involved in the query that is
>generating an error? Can you share the plan (Explain Analyze or
>Explain output) of the query?
>> In these tables, one table has over 200 fields, and the other two tables, each table has over 800 fields.
>> When I use left join, Would that be the problem that caused this.
>I am not sure but there is no apparent reason why on using some form
>of join, it throws such an error. I think we can make better progress
>if you get us the call stack of the parallel worker/'s. I can see
>above that you have got the call stack, but it is from the master
>backend and the error is generated in the parallel worker. Thomas has
>already suggested a way to get the call stack, if you can do that, it
>would be great. I think we can help you to get the call stack if you
>are facing any problem, have you tried getting it?
>With Regards,
>Amit Kapila.
>EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com