Excerpts from Magnus Hagander's message of mar ago 28 08:08:24 -0400 2012:
> In particular, the "restoring data" is obviously completely wrong. But
> AFAICT, the "creating table" and "setting owner" etc are also wrong...
> This is because pg_dump calls RestoreArchive(fout).
> Do we need to pass down a parameter all the way down the functions to
> tell them if they're restoring or not?
Hmm, but the info is already there, is it not? Isn't AH->ropt->useDB
what you want?
As a translator, I'm not sure that I'm too happy with the idea of having
to translate double the number of strings in pg_dump ...
Álvaro Herrera http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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