I would like to ask weather PostgreSQL does database denormalization at runtime.
That is, for example, if I have a normalized database and I use lots of querys that would run faster on a denormalized
database,than will PostgreSQL create a denormalized version of the database for internal use.
To specify further, the question is, can I count on PostgreSQL to denormalize the database when it would be better for
theperformance, or should I always denormalize the database and all the querys myself.
I have looked for answers on the subject, but all I managed to find was a wiki article at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormalizationthat says:
"The preferred method is to keep the logical design normalised, but allow the database management system (DBMS) to
storeadditional redundant information on disk to optimise query response. In this case it is the DBMS software's
responsibilityto ensure that any redundant copies are kept consistent. This method is often implemented in SQL as
indexedviews (Microsoft SQL Server) or materialised views (Oracle)."
So in the case of PostgreSQL, do I also have to use views or are there some other ways?