query total time im milliseconds - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From Radhya sahal
Subject query total time im milliseconds
Msg-id 1310303281.47662.YahooMailRC@web38607.mail.mud.yahoo.com
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Responses Re: query total time im milliseconds
List pgsql-performance
 Dear all ,
could any one help me?
when i use pgadmin to exceute a query it shows the total time for query ..
such as
(select * form table_name.........)query total time is for example 100 ms
i want to know the command that can retetive the query total time in millisecond
if i connect with postgresql from java using JDBC
i need the query total time necessary to use it in my project
i don't want run explian,explain gives estimated i want real total time for the  query

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From: Radhya sahal
Subject: query total time im milliseconds
From: Radhya sahal
Subject: Fw: query total time im milliseconds