On Tue, 2011-06-07 at 12:22 +0300, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> [...]
> I saw this feature in the changelog "Ask to reset connection in the query tool.", so I thought this would be
somethingI requested a long time ago, that if connection is lost, the query and the table editing tool would ask to
reconnectinstead of just display an error and then ignore everything.
> But I seem to be wrong - the behavior hasn't changed relative to 1.12.x. Did I interpret it incorrectly?
Works great for me.
> The scenario now is rather unfortunate.
> - I have a query tool and a table edit window open.
The Edit grid has not changed. Only the query tool has this feature for
> - While my Mac sleeps, the connection is lost.
> - I try to refresh or do anything in the tool or window, and I get an error and I can no longer do anything with
What does the query tool tell you when you execute your query? nothing
like "Do you want to attempt to reconnect to the database?"?
> - So I close the windows, go to the main window and refresh the database. It asks me whether I want it to reconnect.
> - I say yes, it reconnects - but when I try to open the table edit window again, PgAdmin crashes.
> So I have to restart PgAdmin and set everything up from scratch.
Dont know what happens but it shouldn't crash.
You should probably describe your issue with more details.
> By the way, it was discussed in the past that column width setups in the table window should be saved somewhere - at
leastfor the last table edited. They are not saved and so I need to start adjusting the columns over again every time
theabove scenario happens. I suppose if re-connecting from the edit tool was possible, this would be a moot point.
As already said, only the query tool (not the edit tool) has this
Guillaume http://blog.guillaume.lelarge.info http://www.dalibo.com