Re: Interpreting postgres execution plan along with AND/OR precedence - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Erik Wienhold
Subject Re: Interpreting postgres execution plan along with AND/OR precedence
Whole thread Raw
In response to Interpreting postgres execution plan along with AND/OR precedence  ("Dirschel, Steve" <>)
List pgsql-general
> On 18/01/2023 18:03 CET Dirschel, Steve <> wrote:
> The plan changes:
> Sort (cost=9382.94..9382.97 rows=12 width=169)
> Sort Key: lmq1.priority DESC, lmq1.request_time
> -> Bitmap Heap Scan on lm_queue lmq1 (cost=4572.59..9382.73 rows=12 width=169)
> Recheck Cond: ((client_name)::text = 'WLCASES'::text)
> Filter: ((NOT (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)) OR (((process_type)::text = ANY ('{UNLOCK,"UNLOCK
RERUN"}'::text[]))AND (lm_id = '0'::numeric) AND ((host_name)::text = 'WLLOADB'::text) AND (hold_flag = 'Y'::bpchar)
AND((host_name)::text = 'WLLOADB'::text) AND (status_code = '1'::numeric))) 
> -> Bitmap Index Scan on ix_lm_chl (cost=0.00..4572.58 rows=25 width=0)
> Index Cond: ((client_name)::text = 'WLCASES'::text)
> SubPlan 1
> -> Bitmap Heap Scan on lm_queue lmq2 (cost=164.44..188.42 rows=1 width=0)
> Recheck Cond: ((lmq1.collection_name)::text = (collection_name)::text)
> Filter: ((lm_id <> '0'::numeric) AND ((process_type)::text <> 'EXTRACT'::text))
> -> Bitmap Index Scan on ix_lm_cc (cost=0.00..164.44 rows=6 width=0)
> Index Cond: ((collection_name)::text = (lmq1.collection_name)::text)
> SubPlan 2
> -> Seq Scan on lm_queue lmq2_1 (cost=0.00..124999.49 rows=25 width=32)
> Filter: ((lm_id <> '0'::numeric) AND ((process_type)::text <> 'EXTRACT'::text))
> In the original plan above I believe the query drives off index ix_lm_chl
> applying both client_name = WLCASES and host_name = WLLOADB to the index cond.
> In the plan directly above I believe it also drives off index ix_lm_chl but it
> is only applying client_name = WLCASES to the index cond.
> If AND’s are applied first then why wouldn’t the modified query apply both
> client_name = WLCASES and host_name = WLLOADB to the index cond? Is it because
> those are moved below the OR condition?

Yes because those two conditions are combined with OR and that's handled by the
bitmap scans in your second execution plan.  See also:


pgsql-general by date:

From: Erik Wienhold
Subject: Re: Interpreting postgres execution plan along with AND/OR precedence
From: Peter
Subject: Tools for moving normalized data around