Excerpts from Dmitriy Igrishin's message of dom feb 20 06:19:19 -0300 2011:
> Better, undoubtedly.
> Another alternative is just "server". Why? Well, for consistency, e.g. with
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/errcodes-appendix.html
> Here you may see phrase "All messages emitted by the PostgreSQL server ..."
> and furthermore, there are some SQL standard's "SQLSTATE" code
> which name includes "server" rather than "backend":
> But anyway, phrase "backend server" is incorrect.
Maybe some cleanup would be good, but in that case please provide a
specific patch. The replacement suggested in the email that started
this thread seems OK, but wholesale replacement of the phrase "backend
server" with something else is likely to introduce as many mistakes as
it would fix. For example, the description of postgres' -T switch would
then be wrong.
I think using the protocol chapter as reference for terms to use is a
bad idea -- it's one of the most obscure chapters in the documentation.
Álvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
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