Re: WIP: RangeTypes - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Jeff Davis
Subject Re: WIP: RangeTypes
Msg-id 1296327129.11513.504.camel@jdavis
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: WIP: RangeTypes  (Thom Brown <>)
Responses Re: WIP: RangeTypes
Re: WIP: RangeTypes
List pgsql-hackers
On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 21:52 +0000, Thom Brown wrote:
> > This is not very graceful:
> >
> > postgres=#  CREATE TYPE numrange AS RANGE (SUBTYPE=numeric,
> >   SUBTYPE_CMP=numeric_cmp);
> > ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
> > "pg_range_rgnsubtype_index"
> > DETAIL:  Key (rngsubtype)=(1700) already exists.

You're right, that should be a much nicer error message.

> > Also, if I try the same, but with a different name for the type, I get
> > the same error.  Why does that restriction exist?  Can't you have
> > types which happen to use the exact same subtype?

At first, that's how I designed it. Then, I realized that the type
system needs to know the range type from the element type in order for
something like ANYRANGE to work.

There's a workaround though: create a domain over numeric, and then
create a range over mynumeric.

=# create domain mynumeric as numeric;
=# create type numrange2 as range (subtype=numeric,
ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
DETAIL:  Key (rngsubtype)=(1700) already exists.
=# create type numrange2 as range (subtype=mynumeric,
=# select range(1.1::mynumeric,2.2::mynumeric);   range     
--------------[ 1.1, 2.2 )
(1 row)

> Also, how do you remove a range type which coincides with a system
> range type.  For example:
> postgres=#  CREATE TYPE numrange AS RANGE (SUBTYPE=interval,
>    SUBTYPE_CMP=interval_cmp);
> postgres=# drop type numrange;
> ERROR:  cannot drop type numrange because it is required by the database system
> Is this because I shouldn't have been able to create this type in the
> first place?

The types are in two different schemas. It's just as though you created
a table called pg_class.

To drop the one you created, do: DROP TYPE public.numrange;

Regards,Jeff Davis

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From: Pavel Stehule
Subject: SPI_exec doesn't return proc context (on 9.1)
From: Jeff Davis
Subject: Re: WIP: RangeTypes