On Tue, 2010-11-09 at 11:34 +0200, Machiel Richards wrote:
> Good day all
> I am trying to find out how I can select the last 2 or (n
> amount ) of rows from a specific table.
> We have a table which has been growing rediculously the last
> view days (I must say after a code go-live).
> I am trying to find out what data is being written to the table
> that is causing this, however due to the size of the table at the
> moment, it can cause problems so I am just interested in the last
> number of records.
> I would appreciate any assistance in this.
> Regards
> Machiel
Or if you don't want to use "order by" you can use this but it is
SELECT * FROM <Table name> OFFSET (SELECT count(*) - 2 FROM <table