Randolf Richardson <rr@8x.ca> writes:
> "Ron Mayer <rm_pg@cheapcomplexdevices.com>" wrote in pgsql.performance:
>> Randolf Richardson wrote:
>>> While this doesn't exactly answer your question, I use this little
>>> tidbit of information when "selling" people on PostgreSQL.
>>> PostgreSQL was chosen over Oracle as the database to handle all of
>>> the .org TLDs information. ...
> Do you have a link for that information?
>> http://www.icann.org/tlds/org/questions-to-applicants-13.htm#Response13TheInternetSocietyISOC
> That's perfect. Thanks!
This is rather old news, actually, as Afilias (the outfit actually
running the registry for ISOC) has been running the .info TLD on
Postgres since 2001. They have the contract for the new .mobi TLD.
And they are currently one of not many bidders to take over the .net
registry when Verisign's contract expires this June. Now *that* will
be a hard TLD to ignore ;-)
I am actually sitting in a Toronto hotel room right now because I'm
attending a meeting sponsored by Afilias for the purpose of initial
design of the Slony-II replication system for Postgres (see Slony-I).
According to the Afilias guys I've been having dinners with, they
got absolutely zero flak about their use of Postgres in connection
with the .mobi bid, after having endured very substantial bombardment
(cf above link) --- and a concerted disinformation campaign by Oracle
--- in connection with the .org and .info bids. As far as the ICANN
community is concerned, this is established technology.
regards, tom lane