I'm doing a quick comparison between a couple tables, trying to cleanup
some inconsistencies, and what should be a simple check between 2 tables
doesn't seem to be working. psql is 8.3.7 and server is 8.2.13.
I run the following:
select sfd.lid as sflid,sd.lid as slid,sfd.serial from sfd,shawns_data
sd where sfd.serial = sd.serial_number order by sfd.lid;
the lid columns in both tables should be identical, but as you see in
this sample, they do differ:
sflid | slid | serial
-------+-------+----------14056 | 14056 | 961458314057 | | 961498414058 | 14058 | 961473714059 | 14059 |
961457914060| | 961482714061 | 14061 | 961472614062 | 14062 | 961496614063 | 14063 | 9615079
So running this query:
select count(*) from sfd,shawns_data sd where sfd.serial = sd.serial_number and sfd.lid != sd.lid;
I should show some rows that do not match, at least 2 (there are more than shown).
But instead I get this:
------- 0
(1 row)
What am I doing wrong?
Shawn Tayler
Radio Network Administrator
Washoe County Regional Communications System
Telecommunications Division
Technology Services Department
County of Washoe
State of Nevada
Ofc (775)858-5952
Cell (775)771-4241
FAX (775)858-5960